
APA Division 13: Society of Consulting Psychology
The members of the Society of Consulting Psychology share a commitment to apply psychological insights for the success and fulfillment of individuals, groups, and organizations. The Society strives to be a strong intellectual and collegial community that is a source of valuable insights and useful resources, as we continuously expand the knowledge base of our profession.
APS Coaching Psychology Interest Group
The Coaching Psychology Interest Group facilitates the theoretical, applied and professional development of Coaching Psychology as an emerging theoretical and applied sub-discipline of Psychology.
International Society for Coaching Psychology
The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) is an international professional membership body established to further the discipline and profession of coaching psychology. With the growing interest in coaching psychology around the world, the ISCP hopes to encourage the development of the theory, research and practice in coaching psychology and support coaching psychologists in their work. It holds a register of accredited coaching psychologists and publishes Coaching Psychology International.
ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research
The ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research has been launched by the International Society for Coaching Psychology to support international collaboration on different aspects of coaching psychology research. This includes the dissemination of research through publications, meetings, conferences and symposium.
Swedish Coaching Psychology Group
The Swedish Association of Coaching Psychologists was launched in 2009 and is an independent network for psychologists within the field of coaching psychology.
SIOPSA Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group
The Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA) is an independent professional body representing psychologists working in industry. SIOPSA has a Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (CPSIG SA).
Society for Coaching Psychology Italy (SCP Italy)
Society for Coaching Psychology Italy (SCP Italy) is the official Italian Coaching Psychology association established to encourage and stimulate the development of Coaching Psychology.
Society for Evidence-based Coaching (Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching, SEBC)
Society for Evidence-based Coaching (Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching, SEBC) is a part of the Danish Psychololgical Psychological Association and was founded on the 15, March 2007.