
Welcome to the home of the 14th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2024


Welcome to the International Congress of Coaching Psychology forum. The congress events have a key aim of bringing the global coaching psychology community together. The collaborating organisations will promote events and may hold a congress in their own region. At this current time 15 psychology bodies and coaching psychology interest groups from around the globe are collaborating and we will keep you informed as this collaboration grows.

Each participating society has a page on this website where you can find details about their organisation or a link to it. If you have an interest in the developing field of coaching psychology you are encouraged to join your regional coaching psychology body.

The Co-convenors for this ongoing initiative are Professor Stephen Palmer (International Society for Coaching Psychology) and Peter Zarris (Australian Psychology Society Coaching Psychology Interest Group).

The first International Congress of Coaching Psychology was held in December 2010, London, UK. Since then congresses have been held in South Africa, Ireland, Australia, Italy, Israel, Spain, Sweden and USA hosted by their national psychology professional membership body (or one of its interest groups) or the relevant national coaching psychology society or association. In 2014 the international congresses were held in Melbourne, Australia (13-15 November) and London, UK (11-12 December). They were very well attended and a major success. The congress in 2015 was hosted by the American Psychological Association, Division 13, Society of Consulting Psychology. They hosted the 5th International Congress of Coaching Psychology in San Diego, California on February, 3rd – 4th, 2015. This historic and exciting event was the first coaching psychology congress to be held in the USA. In 2016 the International Society for Coaching Psychology held a congress on the 26th July, in London, UK. In 2017 and 2018 congresses were held in Aalborg, Denmark and in London, UK. During 2019, two congresses were held in Europe in Aalborg, Denmark and London, UK. In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, planned congresses were cancelled, postponed or become virtual events. In 2020, 2021 and 2023 the ISCP sponsored virtual congress events with speakers from around the world giving papers and running workshops. The ISCP has taken the decision to continue running their congress’s as virtual events in order to reduce their carbon footprint. The online 5-day congress this year will held from 7th to 11th October, 2024.